Roll of Honour
Our Gallery
TOP-- Alan Luckhurst with the questions and directions and Allen Quy with the ordnance survey map, ready to go. MIDDLE-- Steve Howard says "car park, I dont want a car park, there has got to be a road round here somewhere" BOTTOM--total gridlock, lost in the country on a lovely Sunday afternoon. I think the person leaning on a car at the far end wearing a crash helmet is Malcome Castle manning a checkpoint, with him in a parker is Phil Henry. Malc rode a motorbike and Phil a scooter.
Queuing at 'Bredgar Check" This particular instance was a driver test. A block of wood was put 18'' in front of the car and the driver had to drive up to it-- get his bumper within 4'' (10cm.) of it, without touching it. Failure would add penalty points to their score. Then they would be given their next set of clues --and off they would go. These motor rallies were for fun with no racing. There were strict rules that applied to clubs running them and only 12 cars were allowed. They were more like puzzles, with clues and questions leading to the finish-- which was always a nice pub. We would get round the number of cars rule by running one rally- 'five miutes after the other'. As it went on people became very competitive. Mr Smart (don't remember his first name), one of the Works managers at that time, put a notice on the board -- thanking the organisers for "A LOVELY AND INTERESTING TIME -- LOST IN THE HEART OF THE KENT COUNTRYSIDE" ===========+========== TOP-- George Mortley with the duckweed on the pond behind him. CENTRE-- Sid Foreman and Mrs Foreman want to know how they are doing. BOTTOM--Howard Early waits for his turn at the test. In the passenger seat is Peter Capon. Howard worked in the Love Lane machine room and often had mishaps with the printing type. This was called a 'batter' when type was damaged by screwed up paper or dropping something on it. Howard's nick-name was 'The Battering Ram'.
TOP-- Lost and looking for directions ( no sat navs in the 1960s.) on the right of the picture, we think is Mr Smart, one of the works mangers. --The signpost says, B2163 Bredgar and Sittingbourne right and Thurnam left. CENTRE- Ken Morrist with Alan Luckhurst and Dick Chandler, Allen Quy is behind Alan Luckhurst. Another winning combo of some kind as the box containung their prize, says ' ------ ------- with stand' BOTTOM-- The Cup that they were all after. I think it was on the Bonnet of Kens Wolseley. All the pictures were taken by John Turner.
Cup winner at the rally Gerald Keane receiving the cup from Ken Morrist. That could be Tony Styles behind him and to the right of Gerald looking away is John Rodda.The person behind Gerald is Dave Clemence and is that 'Rossi' with him? Dave and Gerald won the rally for the Comp Room. I think that far right, is Derek Rowlands, was he the brother in law of someone else at Staples?
Felicity Wraight nee White, left of picture, her husband or husband to be behind her. Fernella Mitchell nee White next, then husband Phil Mitchell.
At a fancy dress dance in Chatham (the Paddock?) Geof Curtis left, then Bob Dunn, then Ken Warren, then Barry Cox and lastly Ken Morrist.
At another checkpoint there is a fervent discussion on where to go.---- John Treays is on the left of the picture, in front of him are Ken Morrist and Janice Pett and on the right, with hands behind his back is Reg Collins who was a director and real gentleman at work. Phil Henry is in the dark glasses talking to Roy Boorman we think.
A motor rally with the cars pulled in by the duckpond at Bredgar. the drivers were answering questions and collecting clues to the next part ot the course. Ken Morrist and Geof Curtis, who organised it are performing the inquisition.
A motor rally with the cars pulled in by the duckpond at Bredgar. the drivers were answering questions and collecting clues to the next part ot the course. Ken Morrist and Geof Curtis, who organised it are performing the inquisition.
Same Bredgar motor rally.-- A beaming Allen Quy knows just where to go. Talking to the driver top left, is Sylvia Curtis.
Again at the Garden Party,----- Steve Howard and the most gorgeous Pauline Evans, who married Charlie Wood from the Machine Room --- picture from Tony Kilbey. Steve worked in the Bindery and Pauline in the Pay Office.
Picture by Tony Kilbey-- of Sue Haines sitting on Mabels wall at the top of the yard at Love Lane. (look at those heels) Who did she marry???
Picture supplied by Tony Kilbey, who now lives in Falmouth. It was taken at one of Mr A.E.Bacons garden parties. Knowing Tony, this must have been a shot of the choice 'crumpet' at the time.
Staples had some very good football teams, both in the inter dapartment competitions and in the SOGAT Shield. Front row- left to right of picture, John Turner,Ken Morrist, Eric Rosier,Peter Fogarty and Brian Ross. Back row- -------?,Tony Styles,--------?, --------?, Peter Bucknall, Ken Warren and Bernard Jackson.
On one of the many coach outings that Staples had, this one I think was Chessington Zoo. Ossie Pocock 2nd from the right of the picture, with his wife Joyce.--- I think it is Ken Warren and family at the other end.
Len Fairbrother on the left of the picture. It looks like it was taken in the Casters. Lee Fairbrother is next to him (his son), then Ron Spain, then Roy 'Tubby' Boorman and Maurice Kent. Bottoms up to a good ole set of lads.
Genuine type cases from Staples at Love Lane.
Another picture kindly supplied by Barry Cox. This is Gracie Fields in Rochester--Is that a young Bill Gates on the left of picture with Ron Holt -and Reg Letchford peering through the middle?
Gerald Keane at the wheel of his car. Gerald was an apprentice in the Comp room at Love Lane in the days when the VAST majority of the staff arrived at work on bicycles, on the bus, or on foot. Then there was he--this young lad in this bright white and light blue, gleaming chrome, flash car. Caused quite a stir. He is seen here at Bredgar on the motor rally check point.----- In the passenger seat I think it is Dave Clemence.
Written on the back of one of the sports photos in Keith Jarretts hand. Probably his reminder of the departmental competitors.
Football in the SOGAT Sheild. The Staples team are in the striped shirts. At the back, from the left of the picture, 4th is Tony Styles, then John Turner, Don Jenkins next, then in the middle our tall goal-keeper, Peter Wilson, then Ken Warren, Peter Bucknall and Bernie Jackson.------------------------------------------In the front also from the left, in striped shirts, Eric Rosier, Ken Morrist, Paul Perry? and Brian Ross (in the tracksuit).
Len Fairbrothers retirement from Love Lane 1. Eileen Joiner,---2. Tracy Link, 3. --------? 4. Peter Gray, 5. Joan Bond, 6. Mandy Link, 7. Kit Goodhew, 8. Lynn Glover, 9.Ron Spain?? ---- --10. ------? 11. Tony Styles, 12. -------? 13. Vince Haudiquet, 14. Ernie Chapman, 15. Len Bagnall, 16. Roy Utteridge, 17. -----? 18. Bill Dowsett from S.M.M.& T.-19. ---------? 20. Dave Buckingham, 21. Anne Bennett???, 22. Paul Dixon, 23. Billy Nicholls??? 24. Brian Wedlake, 25. John Motton. -----------26. Ian Timothy, 27. Ernie Edwards, 28. Tom Brewerton, 29. Phil Gunningham, 30. Alf Kemp, 31. Brian Fothergill, 32. Rod Palmer, -------------33. Len Fairbrother, 34. Will Gates, 35. Bert Neale, 36. Ray Walters. 37. Ted Fletcher, 38. Ron Smith, 39. Len Williams, 40. Mrs Fairbrother.---41. Norman Coward. 42. Lee Fairbrother. 43. Nobby Howes, 44. Gary Freestone, 45. Jim Freeman.
1960s Love Lane canteen manager Mrs Elizabeth Brown
Roll of Honour